
Greenflame can now be found at: Greenflame. Update your links now. All the content on this web log has been moved (or is being moved over) to the new one.

Welcome to my web log. Some friends of mine suggested that rather than emailing everyone interesting bits and pieces from the net I should blog them for all to peruse at their leisure. So here we are. If you're wondering about the name GreenFlame check out the bottom of this page. Cheers, Stephen Garner.

Monday, February 16, 2004

New Greenflame

Made the move over to Movable Type. In theory you should never see this page but in case you do the new blog is at: Greenflame

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

signposts: I hate the "emerging" church

Interesting article over the ditch at signposts:
signposts: I hate the "emerging" church

Spawned a few thoughts for the (non?)emergentkiwi too

Virtual babies aim to ease parenting pain

Saw this today and it made me feel sad. Sad for those who want to have children and can't have them, and sad that someone makes money out of selling these substitutes. It may help some people but it gave me a creepy feeling too.

ic Newcastle - Virtual babies aim to ease parenting pain

Monday, February 09, 2004

Kenn Brown: DNA

In trying to track down some art work by Kenn Brown I found this amazing piece of digital art work from found in New Scientist Magazine. It's loaded as a FlashVR object so it takes a while but it's awesome.

Kenn Brown: DNA

The Social Edge

I came across this today while trying to find something completely different using Google. After a quick skim it looks like something that I will be coming back to every now and then for a read. Nice to have non-US/non-British opinions. Check out: Social Justice and Faith Magazine in Canada called The Social Edge.com

GreenFlame comes from Hildegard of Bingen, an inspirational woman, who coined the term viriditas - the greening power of God. She described this power as the agent of the God, a divine attribute, that was the animating life-force within all creation, giving it life, moisture and vitality. Viriditas was green fire and energy, and Hildegard has been associated through history with the colour green.

Copyright © Stephen Garner 2003
Email: webmaster@greenflame.org